Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mama said there'd be days like this...

What a terrible morning!

I woke up at 6am with a splitting headache. Finally at 6:15 after a couple of rounds of playing "let's hit the snooze button", I got up, went to the bathroom (I know you really wanted to know that.) and, took some Excedrin chased with a cup of coffee.

Feeling a little better, I opted to start waking up the Drama Queen. If she gets up by 6:30am, she's got plenty of time (one would think anyway) to beautificate herself to presentable levels which are deemed acceptable by the other Jr. High drama queens.

However, this particular morning, she opted to be a total HAGATHA and not get out of bed until 6:45 which then caused her to not have nearly enough time to straighten her hair to a level of "board straightness" and barely enough time to apply entirely way to much damn black eyeliner! This, in case you were wondering, is ALL MY FAULT, for not getting her up sooner. Clearly, how did I NOT see it?

Then, the boy...ah the boy. My son who is 3 (going to be 4 next week) has suddenly decided that going potty in the bathroom is entirely over-rated. Whilst I am trying to hustle these little late-makers out the door, he picks that exact moment to announce to me that he did, indeed, pee in his pants. What is causing, this? I have no idea. Please help me, Tom Cruise, I can't even function today and clearly and not equipped to even BE mother!!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

So, I've not updated this thing in lightyears!

How are you all doing? By all of you, I mean the small handful of folks that even know about this blog.

I've had many things transpire since my last post. We bought our first house. This was a huge undertaking that involved many things, including, financial help from parents, and lots and lots of remodeling of a nice fixer-upper. We moved in, in August and are finally settling down a bit.

The girl has started a new school. For those of you with teenagers, you'll realize that this is not something taken lightly by a a 13 year old girl. Her. Life. Is. Over. , as she puts it. She thinks that we have done all of this not to improve our own way of life, but to ruin hers. That's not dramatic at all, is it? Anyway, some days, she loves her new school, others she is plotting to run away to live with my mother, who still lives in her old school district. When asked why I did not let her continue to finish the 8th grade in her previous school, suffice it to say that she was falling in with a not-so-great crowd and I felt that a change of circumstances would also do her a world of good. I'm still not convinced that I'm wrong, given that we've had not nearly the drama that we did last year at her previous school, and that she's hardly given it a chance given that school just started in August. Anyway, time will tell, and it will all come out in the therapy, I always say.

The boy, who will be 4 next week, started preschool last week. He loves it. He is sure that it is just about the funnest thing to ever happen to him. Soccer also started for him this week. He loves it also. I've never seen a kid trip over his own feet quite so much, but I'm sure he does get that from my side of the family. Truth be told, I'm not so incredibly athletic and I've apparently given those particular traits to my son.

All in all, things are well. I'll try to update more frequently, now that things are slowing down a bit. Of course, whatever will I write about?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

So is it bad...

to watch movies in your cubicle while at work? I watched Pirates of the Caribbean II the other day it was so slow here and with other folks on vacation...well...why not? I must say (since I was the last person on the planet to have seen this, I think) that it was good. The guy with squids for a face kinda freaked me a bit, but other than that, me likey!

I've not updated in a while because, to be quite honest, nothing exciting has been happening and well, I'm also kinda lazy.

My boy is doing better with the potty training thus far, so yay 2007! Bring on the no pullups!

Anyway, that's it for my incoherent ramblings of the day, enjoy!