Thursday, December 7, 2006

About Last Night...

Well, last night our annual "Holiday" party was quite the entertaining ordeal. Mr. Overworked and I feasted on free food and imbibed in free booze. Who doesn't like free booze? For some reason, it tastes waaaay better than booze paid for out of one's own pocket.

There was many a sight to behold there, nothing like watching middle-aged folks who you are used to seeing in Accounting and IT shaking a tail feather to Nelly on the dancefloor, always an entertaing sight. I really MUST get a camera phone so I can share these sights with you folks, because quite honestly, words cannot express.....We didn't stay late for a couple of reasons, one being that we have to get up early in the morning to get people off to work and their designated place of educational development and two being, sometimes, drinking on a weeknight doesn't do great things for me, and since I have a huge tendency to embarrass myself in public, I thought I'd wait until AFTER I get my Christmas bonus check to insult any higher-ups...just a thought...

This morning, my husband, who is a special kind of retarded sometimes, locked his keys in his car WHILST it was running. Is that not a genius move? Being the good wife that I am, however, I did leave the checkbook and the yellowpages turned to the towing section on the kitchen table while I left his ass there at home, because, seriously, why do BOTH of us need to be late because he's a dork? (Also, yes, I'm aware that normal people make an extra set of keys for their cars, however, we do not fall under the "normal" category so that point is moot.)

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